Planning Applications

Application No: 24/00766/FULHH

Proposal: Erection of garage

Location: Chadwell Park Farm Chatwell Lane Weston Cross Roads NEWPORT TF10 9BN

You can now view these documents online at PublicAccess

Please respond with your observations by 10 October 2024 in writing, via

ConsulteeAccess or email to,


Application No: 24/00767/FUL

Proposal: Storage of 16no. caravans out of season (months of November – March inclusive)

Location: Chadwell Park Farm Chatwell Lane Weston Cross Roads Blymhill NEWPORT TF10 9BN

You can now view these documents online at PublicAccess

Please respond with your observations by 10 October 2024 in writing, via

ConsulteeAccess or email to,


Application Number: 24/00787/AGR

Proposed: Portal Frame

At: Chadwell Park Farm Chatwell Lane Weston Cross Roads Blymhill NEWPORT TF10 9BN

The above proposed agricultural development under Part 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended), has been received. The relevant forms and plans relating to the proposal can be viewed at ConsulteeAccess

This type of proposal does not require formal planning permission from the Council. However the Council are given the opportunity to raise comments on siting and design. I would be pleased to receive any observations that you wish to make. These will be taken into account when a

decision is made on the application.

As a result of the Freedom of Information Act, the Council now follow an “open file” policy, which means that the file and all of its papers and any letters are open for inspection by anyone, including the applicant and his/her agent, and copies can be taken, at anytime.

In order to satisfy the very restricted time period which the Act allows for responses, it is essential that any representations are made in writing via ConsulteeAccess (if registered) or and received at these offices on or before 30 September 2024.

Volunteers required for a team to combat Speeding along the A5 through Weston under Lizard.

As other areas in Staffordshire have had voluntary teams manning mobile speed Cameras, the Parish Council want to see if there are enough volunteers to introduce and maintain a speed action group for the A5 through Weston under Lizard. The Parish Council would arrange for training and equipment in conjunction with the Police and appropriate stake holders. Please email the Parish Clerk if you would be interested in joining this team on  so that the Parish Council can see whether this can be a viable project.